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Monday, June 30, 2008

Kind of a Gross Story... 

...about my body. And it's true!

Around last Friday my left eye started to feel sore, specifically my upper eyelid. It kinda felt bruised, like someone had punched it. Well, on Saturday my eyelid had started to swell quite a bit. It looked pretty bad to me, but Carrie said it was only noticeable if you knew what you were looking for (and I think all day long Mike was the only one who noticed it... at least he was the only one who mentioned anything). I bought some eyedrops with which I regularly flushed my eye, hoping that would help.

Sunday morning, though, the thing had swollen up to enormous size. I had a huge, puffy eyelid. The swelling had smoothed out all of the wrinkles so it kinda looked like I had one Asian eye and one Caucasian eye. Except for the Asian eyelid was enormous.

After breakfast I was poking at my puffy eyelid and examining it. I flipped it up and there was a rather large white bump on the inside of the eyelid, almost as if there were a big, whitehead pimple on the inside of my eyelid. My wife helpfully suggested that it might do good to pop it, so I went back into the bathroom and tried to figure out how to squeeze a pimple on the inside of my eyelid.

So I was prodding and squishing things around quite a bit, when all of a sudden it burst and a massive stream of white pus, water, and a tiny amount of blood cascaded all over my eyeball. The whole mess eventually pooled in the tear duct in the inside corner of my eye, where I had the dubious duty of using toilet paper to mop it up.

Fortunately that seemed to do the trick, because over the course of the rest of the day the swelling decreased dramatically, so that today (Monday) you'd never know anything had ever been amiss.


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posted by Christopher at 8:50 PM

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Monday, May 26, 2008

Oh, Okay, There's Spring 

So last week was much more comfortably Spring-like than the weekend that led up to it. Unfortunately I got horribly sick on Wednesday and spent it and the next two days at home trying to recover. But since I wasn't able to really do much more than sit on the couch and hold stuff in my hands, I was able to practically complete Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.

My dad also came over Wednesday morning and worked more on the patio outside. It could be actually finished as soon as this Wednesday! Wholly crap!

I was feeling better on Saturday, but still not well enough to go to Fools Play. I did go to practice on Sunday, though. While I was gone Carrie made delicious potato/leek soup, which we ate for dinner.

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posted by Christopher at 9:43 PM

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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

What Happened to Spring? 

Wow! It seems like just a month and a half ago that the ground was coated in snow. After that it was just plain-old cold weather up until Friday, when all of a sudden out of nowhere it was 90° outside!

Friday was a fun day nonetheless, as a bunch of people came over to our house to enjoy barbecued food and Mario Kart Wii racing. Leia & Kedar even stayed until almost everybody else had gone home!

Saturday, unfortunately, continued the heat wave to such a degree that I couldn't do any durned thing. All I could do was sit around and be miserably hot until Fools Play, which was a fun new format called "The Naked Brain."

Sunday was a bit more manageable. In the evening Carrie & I went over to Laura's for a graduation barbecue. We got there much later than we wanted to, though, because we had to wait for a bunch of Bead Babes to get done with work so they could come to our house to get a ride and/or follow us to Laura's house.

In sync with the heat was a sudden attack of severe allergies! It's really bad this year. Maybe if, y'know, we'd had time to adjust over the course of, I dunno, a Spring season, we'd be a little bit innoculated to the pollen count. Silly me; I like my seasons to be three months long each, not six months of Winter and then straight into Summer.

Anyway, I unfortunately also took up playing Metroid Prime 3: Corruption over the weekend. I don't know what I was thinking; I'm going to have to put all of my creative endeavors on hold now until I finish the durned game!

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posted by Christopher at 5:34 PM

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Friday, May 02, 2008

They DON'T Go On Your Roof 

Hey! Guess what I got. Here's a hint:

It's shingles! The second coming of the virus that causes chickenpox!

It thankfully isn't a very bad case. It's only a couple of inches on the back of my neck, and is more annoying (and unsightly) than actively painful. Just stings a little. The swelling is starting to go down and the blisters are starting to crust over, so I should be getting steadily better over the next week or so.

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posted by Christopher at 4:28 PM

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