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Monday, December 22, 2008

Stormpocalypse Snowmageddon 2008 

(or "Snowpocalypse Stormageddon" if you prefer)

I feel I would be remiss if I didn't somehow write a blog entry on this rather unusual bout of snow that we've gotten here in the Pacific Northwest over the past week. Therefore this blog entry is what you might call "obligatory."

Yes: it snowed here much, much more than it usually snows, and it has stayed much, much longer than it usually stays. And therefore much of the Pacific Northwest has gone into a panic the likes of which must seem hilarious to the upper Midwest and Northeast parts of the country, where long-lasting snow is a common happening.

The fact is that Seattleites, Tacomans, and to a lesser extent Olympians have possibly the worst weather memory in the entire country. You see, it rains well over 100 days out of the year here, so you'd think we'd all be accustomed to driving whenever it rained, right? Well, just imagine that there are more than five consecutive days without rain. For some reason it seems like the entire population suddenly forgets how to drive in the rain when it starts pouring again! I've lived here my whole life and this phenomenon never ceases to amaze me.

So you can imagine what it must be like if it happens to snow, which it does very infrequently. Maybe two or three times a year, tops, and it generally sticks around less than two days if indeed it does last at all. Here's an example of the hilarity: one day last week many Tacoma schools were canceled because it was snowing… even though it was much too warm to stick to the ground. Yes, Tacoma schools were canceled because there was snow in the air. There wasn't even any ice on the roads!

So you can imagine how the whole area basically shut down when a couple of days later the snow really did begin to accumulate on the ground.

Carrie & I have a tradition of night-walking through the snow on the first evening that it accumulates. So late that evening after Carrie got home from work we decided to take Suki with us. We also live within easy walking distance of Alice and Rufus, two Boston Terrier friends of Suki's (and their owners, who are friends of our). We thought it'd be fun to all go for a walk, which it was. But it was also rather embarrassing, because Suki got so extremely excited by the snow and the presence of the Bostons that she kept on spontaneously barking for joy. Loudly. At 11:00 at night outside people's houses.

Another evening a bunch of us who live close by all trudged to the nearby Engine House 9 ("E-9" as it's called around here) for a nommy din-dins.

On Saturday Laura came over and she, Carrie, and I all went down to the Parkway Tavern to meet with Steph, Jamie, and law-school Katie for lunch, 'cause we were excited she was back in town. Well, right before we arrived a group of about 20 overly-well-dressed professionals had spontaneously shown up demanding food and drink. And only two people were working that afternoon: one bartender and one cook. So we had to wait quite a while for our foodstuffs, but it was okay because there was good company and copious amounts of pear cider. That night Fools Play was canceled due to a rather large burst of afternoon/evening snow (the owner of Mud Bay Coffee couldn't find anyone who was willing to keep the place open late enough for us). Instead we all played Animal Crossing and we baked cookies and stayed in. Laura even ended up crashing on our couch.

Carrie had to work all day Sunday. Laura & I walked down to Starbucks and had breakfast sammitches for breakfast. The snow was like crème brûlée: a thin, hard crust over a lot of soft stuff. It was crazy to walk through it. But for lunch we walked again, this time to Wild Orchid to meet with Carrie, Christine, & Lawrence. Here's a tip: if you eat at Wild Orchid, try the Rama Noodles. Very tasty.

We were so inspired by Wild Orchid that we decided to make our own Thai chicken soup for dinner, so Laura, Lawrence & I stopped by the Neighborhood Market on the way back to the house and bought coconut milk and an onion while everyone else went back to work. Lawrence continued on to his house, and Laura decided to drive back to hers before it got dark. Carrie made the soup when she got off of work, and Christine, Lawrence, and the Bostons all came over and ate it (well, the Bostons didn't eat it) while watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas (the animated version, not that live-action crap).

Let me just say: onion, chicken, garlic, curry paste, coconut milk, chicken stock, cilantro, basil, salt & pepper (in that order) FTW.

By Monday morning the snow had pretty much stopped falling, but it was still very much there. I managed to get my car out of it and got to work with little incident.

I think my car is under there somewhere

And that's about it. There are still about six to nine inches of snow around here. According to weather people the snow is supposed to stick around for the rest of the week, so there might be some form of white Christmas (which would be an absolute shock to the people of the Pacific Northwest; I only recall one white Christmas here in my entire 31 years of existence). I would also just like to say that it is very nice to live within easy walking distance of so many good restaurants and bars.

I hope you have a safe and festive holiday season. Until next time… adiós.

And to all a good night.

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posted by Christopher at 11:19 PM

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Friday, September 26, 2008

Where They Filmed Bits of The Goonies 


Last week was our 4-year wedding anniversarary! Hooray! To celebrate, we both took the whole week off and went on vacation.

The weekend before the vacation we had a big ol' yard sale. I followed the advice of my own article about Garage Sale Etiquette, and the whole thing went swimmingly. Carrie actually did most of the work during the actual hours of operation due to the fact that I was working on the big Bead Factory Fashion Show handouts, as I had been doing the entire week leading up to that weekend.

I should say that Saturday went very well; Sunday was pretty much dead. We made enough moneys to buy lunch. Carrie did get to hang out in the front yard with Laura & Lawrence and play backgammon while drinking margaritas, so the day wasn't a bust by any means (I once again spent much of the day working on handouts). After it was all over we loaded everything that was left into my car and I ran up to Goodwill and gave it all to them.

The next day we left for vacation. We rented a house in a tiny little town called Tierra Del Mar, Oregon. We found the house through We actually stayed at this house. Tierra Del Mar is sewiously small; it consists of about 12 streets branching off from the main thoroughfare. If you sneezed you would practically drive through it without noticing. It's about halfway between Tillamook and Pacific City.

Wait, did I say Tillamook? If you know me, then you know that I loves me the cheese, and Tillamook happens to have a great big ol' factory that just pumps out the stuff. So that was the second stop on our journey.

What was the first stop? A Burgerville in southern Washington. They (coincidentally?) have a fantastic bacon burger with Tillamook cheese all up on it. They also have sweet-potato fries and very delicious milkshakes. Y'know, I shouldn't say that Burgerville was our first stop because we didn't actually stop there; we just hit the drive-through. We stopped at a rest stop a ways down I-5 and ate our yummy foodstuffs at a picnic table OM NOM NOM. Burgervile is kind of a tradition whenever we drive to Oregon. There was also a dog area at the rest stop, so we let Suki run around in it for a bit.

Then we headed on down to the Tillamook Cheese Factory using this route. It wound up through the "mountains" between Portland and the coast. It was very pretty. But naught so pretty as the pretty cheese in that factory.

We, as is our custom, bought the packaged odds-and-ends. When they carve cheese into those brick shapes, what do you think happens to all the leftover bits? They shrink-wrap them and sell 'em at the factory for a reduced price! They only had one style that day, a garlic white cheddar. That was okay with us!

From there we got on 101 and headed on south to Tierra Del Mar. It was after 4:00 by the time we arrived, so we quickly hauled everything out of the car and then walked Suki down to the end of the road where there was a big, huge, northwest-coast-style beach. A few miles to the south was a big ol' Haystack Rock, though not the Haystack rock—that was up north many miles out of view near Cannon Beach, where they filmed bits of The Goonies. This Haystack Rock was not in the movie The Goonies. Don't know why they couldn't give both rocks different names.

We played fetch with Suki. She seemed to like the beach quite a bit, and didn't mind getting her entire mouth completely coated with sand. It woulda bothered me. Ah, well.

Suki at the Beach

I took a short video of the beach so you could see just how crowded it was there:

Yeah. After fun in the surf and sand we headed back to the house where I hosed Suki down (she didn't like that). For din-dins that evening we made clam chowder from scratch (it just seemed right to make clam chowder while you're staying at the beach).

Carrie made this really fascinating bread product. I'll see if I can describe it:
For this recipe you will need:
  • (2) cans of buttermilk biscuit dough
  • Bacon
  • Shredded cheese
  1. Cook the bacon until it's crispy, then crumble it to bits.
  2. remove all of the biscuits from the cans. Cut them up into little 1" - 2" triangles.
  3. Arrange half the biscuit bits in a single layer (as best you can) in the bottom of a greased baking pan (it's supposed to be a fluted bunt pan, but they didn't have one there so we just used 2 regular 9" square pans). The triangles don't have to be tightly interlocked; it works better if they're just loosely arranged.
  4. Sprinkle half the crumbled bacon and half the shredded cheese on top of the layer of biscuits.
  5. Make another layer of biscuit bits on top of the bacon/cheese layer.
  6. Sprinkle the rest of the bacon and cheese on top.
  7. Bake in an oven at an appropriate temperature (??) until the biscuits are cooked to a nice, golden brown.

The cheese seeps into all the cracks between the biscuit triangles as it melts, and then when it cools it creates this matrix-like glue holding the whole thing together. To it it, you just rip off a triangle or two and pop it in your mouth. You can dip it in your chowder first if you'd like!

After that first evening, the low clouds rolled in and stayed for the remainder of the vacation. When I say low, I mean like 50-100-feet-off-the-ground low. Fog unless you were at sea level. It was actually kinda nice because it kept the weather very, very moderate. It weren't too hot and it weren't too cold. It weren't too windy, neither.

The rest of the days of the trip were spent exploring all the little towns along the Oregon coast. We went as far south as Newport, where we had some beer inside the "Brewers on the Bay" pub at the Rogue Brewery. That place was really cool; you had to actually walk through the distillery (guided by arrows on the floor and taped-off areas) to get to the pub. It almost felt like you were trespassing. We went as far north as Seaside, which we did not like very much; it had a strange, aggressive, "angry carnie" energy about it.

Our favorite town was Cannon Beach, which was clean, well-maintained, and tourist friendly. Lots and lots and lots of cute shops full of cute stuff. I didn't buy anything.

An interesting thing to note about our trip: we didn't ever eat out at a restaurant. We had beer at the Rogue brewpub, but not food. We cooked our own breakfasts and dinners, and we packed picnic-style lunches that we took with us. It was really tasty and a much less-expensive way to have a vacation than to eat out for every meal. We made horribly delicious things from scratch, such as beef fajitas, chicken salad, burgers stuffed with bleu cheese and covered with garlic cheese, etc. We made way too much; we brought home leftovers from pretty much every single meal we made (except for the breakfasts, which we usually scarfed right down).

Another interesting thing to note was that there was neither TV nor internet tubes at our vacation house. We brought my MacBook, though, and it has a nice media player. So we watched a lot of My Boys and Veronica Mars and some Anthony Bourdain while we ate our breakfasts and dinners and relaxed in the evening. We also brought some books but didn't actually end up reading them!

Early on in our stay we were were heading south through the fog along a big, forested cliff over the ocean. I needed to find a restroom (a side effect of having no large intestines), so we pulled over at this one touristy landmark type place that had a gift shop. It didn't have any restrooms, but there was a lookout outside where you could stand at the top of a 500' cliff and look out over the ocean. It was so foggy that you could only see maybe halfway down the cliff. It was like Silent Hill. Still looking for the bathroom we continued up a ways to the Devil's Punch Bowl area of the Oregon coast, where we just happened to stumble upon a winery at the edge of another (smaller) cliff: Flying Dutchman Winery.

After quickly ascertaining they did not have a public restroom and backtracking to some port-a-potties we'd spotted, we came back and did a tasting. They had really, really tasty berry wines. We bought half a case of blackberry and raspberry wines. We'd never have known about this place if I hadn't had to go to the bathroom!

While driving through Pacific City we noticed something familiar about the place. We'd eaten at a restaurant there and stayed at a motel there many, many years ago on an overnight trip we'd taken with Geoff, Josh, and Melissa! It was the trip where Josh and Carrie both tried to learn how to drive stick with Melissa's car. Ah, nostalgia.

There was also a cute little town to the north called Nehalem. It had like two blocks of cute little shops, all linked up with covered walkways. It also had a bead shop (we stopped at at least two bead shops during this trip) that had a going-out-of-business sale happening. Hey, I just learned that there's a Google Street View of Nahalem, of all places! Go take a look.

Eventually it was time to head back home. But just because it was our last day didn't mean we were done with our vacation! Not by a long shot! It was time for wine. Wine time!

Instead of going back the way we came, we jutted south and then headed east on Highway 18 towards McMinnville, towards the heart of Willamette Valley wine country.

Traveling generally northeast on 99, we hit the following wineries:

Yamhill Valley
Had a cool koi pond out front. We bought a couple of whites.
Anne Amie
Very classy place. We bought three bottles, including a shockingly tasty Müller Thurgau and an easy red blend they called Amrita. We ate a picnic lunch at a table on their patio
Archery Summit
Least-expensive bottle there was $48. We didn't buy any but did the full tasting (generous amounts). Got to drink some $100 pinot noir. It was easily the best wine there, but honestly not $75 better than a good $25 bottle of pinot noir.
Our perennial favorite. We got a couple of interesting whites, including a dry Gewurztraminer (which was kinda fascinating). We tried to have a snack on their patio but were driven away by bees.
Interesting little place, had an unusual selection. We got a bottle of sparkling rose wine (the most expensive single bottle we got on our trip) and a very delicious ice wine.

Carrie did the driving so I did most of the drinking, and I was a little tipsy by the end, I tell you what. But still—still—we weren't quite done!

Late afternoon, following phone directions, we wound ourselves into that strange hilly area directly south of downtown Portland to the apartment of Heather & Chris. They took us all up curvy roads towards the top of the hill.

The roads skirted around huge, forested chasms, along the sides of which were many terribly expensive houses built on stilts hanging over these chasms. It was kinda crazy. One house was only connected to the hillside by its driveway; the rest of it was supported by stilts. The road was actually level with the TOP floors of these houses. Often they extended three or four stories down into the chasms. Is Portland a more geologically stable area than Seattle? 'Cause it'd be suicide to build like that up here, what with this being earthquake country 'n' all.

Anyway, we did not fall into any chasms on the way to Council Crest Park, which is basically at the summit of the hill. It's a pretty cool park with a big watertower in it. There's a steep hill on the southeast side of it that dogs can run around in, so Suki ran around in it with us all.

After that we got back on the freeway and headed north for home. About the only thing we missed on the whole trip was a jaunt to Voodoo Doughnut in downtown Portland, but we didn't feel like stopping either time we drove through the area.

It was plenty dark by the time we got home. But get home we did.

As a P.S. of sorts, this post wins the record of having the most labels of any of my posts!

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posted by Christopher at 4:13 PM

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Not At All the Day I Was Expecting 

Yesterday (Monday) was chugging along as a pretty standard day. Carrie even got off work early (I know, OMGooses). Sometime after 5:00 she went to help Laura move into her new apartment.

A while after that she calls me and asks me if I can help as well; the moving was more physically intense than she'd expected and she didn't want to exacerbate a sore hip muscle. So I of course said, sure, I'd love to help. She said she'd call when she was almost back to our house.

She called sooner than I'd expected with the information that there was a dog in the backseat of the car. Not our dog; Suki was hanging out with me at the house. Here's the story:

Carrie was driving up N Proctor, and when she passed N 10th this black dog came running around the corner and started up Proctor. Carrie, being the wonderful person that she is, pulled over to make sure the dog didn't get hit by a car or anything. As she pulled over she noticed a group of people calling, "C'mere!" and motioning for the dog to come to them. So Carrie figured it must be their dog and that they'd take care of everything. So she pulled back out into traffic and continued on.

On the way back down Proctor she noticed the same dog running along the street several blocks up from where she last saw it. It proceeded to run across the street and almost got hit by a white car. So this time Carrie pulls over and gets that dog in the backseat of the car.

So she pulled up to the house with the dog in the front seat of the car (it upgraded its own ticket). It was already wearing a choke chain, so I just brought out a leash. The dog is medium-sized and looks like ¾ Black Lab and ¼ Pit Bull (mostly in the face and the sheer brick-like musculature). Very obviously a boy, probably between 1 and 2 years old.

The three of us drove over to Laura's new apartment, which, although it's in a crappy area of Tacoma (near the ghetto Safeway), it's on a surprisingly nice street in a gorgeous old house. And the apartment has an enormous kitchen! We left the dog in our car and helped Laura move stuff from her truck up to the apartment.

We all headed back to Laura's old house, where I was left to help Laura load the truck with the remnants of her stuff (mattress, box springs, and orange loveseat) while Carrie went back to where she found the dog and started walking around with it to see if it belonged to anybody there (or even if anybody recognized it at all).

So Laura and I trucked her stuff back to her apartment and hauled it up the weirdly narrow stairs. It reminded me of a scene from Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency where a piece of furniture gets stuck on a flight of stairs in such a way that it was actually physically impossible to maneuver it out. That didn't (quite) happen to us.

We finished there and Laura drove me back to my car. I drove and picked up Carrie and the dog. No one had recognized or claimed it. So we loaded it in the car, then picked up Laura at her old house (where she was dropping off the truck) and everyone came back to my house.

The new dog was introduced to Suki (who was scared but still her tail was wagging like crazy). Fantastico fled to my closet the instant the thing came in the house. It was only in the house for a short while before we discovered that the Humane Society closed at 6:00 (it was much later than that). I located the 20-foot tie-out and tied it to a tree in the backyard. Anything that could be moved or knocked over I pushed up against the fence because this dog, though it was really nice and sweet, was kinda like the bull in the China shop.

Once that was done and we were all washed up from moving, the three of us (sans tied-up dog) went to the Parkway for relaxing food and grink. We were joined a while later by Leilani and had a generally good time... until it was time to pay. I went up and paid the tab, and when I got back to the table I realized it seemed kinda high. Carrie noticed they'd charged us for four beers when we'd only had three. So I went back up to the bar to have them correct it and they did, but they were real dicks about it. Both of them were. So that pissed me the hell off.

We took Laura back to her old house so she could collect her truck, then we headed back to our house. For some reason Carrie, bless her sweet heart, wanted the new dog to sleep inside the house when it would have been perfectly fine sleeping under the back porch. Suki wasn't terribly happy about having it in the house, and neither was I. Bull-in-a-China-shop hijynx ensued until Carrie relented to locking it in the bathroom for the night.

Come the morning we had to let it run around while we got ready for work, and at one point while unsupervised it took an enormous, stinky dump on the dining room rug. Fun! We tied it back up in the backyard and headed to work.

When we got home it was still back there, but we noticed that it had almost pushed the back screen door in, apparently in an attempt to get inside (not that it could have gotten past the locked laundry room door). We brought the dog back inside and I fixed the screen, then realized that Fantastico hadn't greeted me when I'd come in the front door (as is her custom). The dog had pushed the screen open just enough to where Fantastico could have gotten out...

So Carrie went looking around the block while I scoured the house. I eventually found her: she'd buried herself under a pile of bedding in the back corner of my closet, and she was shivering with fear. Also, in the span of a few seconds between when I went outside to tell Carrie I'd found the cat and when we came back inside, the dog took another massive dump on the rug. Great!

After eating a delicious lunch of chicken pizzas, we loaded the new dog up in the car and drove it down to the Humane Society. We hoped it had had a microchip implanted in it; it hadn't. So they're going to keep him on reserve for three days and then if he isn't claimed by his owner he'll go into the regular adoption queue. So if anybody in the North End of Tacoma knows anybody who lost a black, male, short-haired dog with a tiny patch of white on its chest, head on down to the Humane Society and pick up your dog! Otherwise some other family will end up with him!

Also, put microchips in your damned pets in case something like this happens!

Carrie has a hard time going to the Humane Society because she's such a softie that she wants to rescue EVERY animal there and always ends up a teary-eyed mess afterwards. Part of why I love her.

So that was not at all the day I was expecting yesterday (or today). But it reminded me of a very Buddhist story I read a long time ago, which I'll paraphrase for you now:
A police officer in Moscow was living a very unhappy life. Every day he'd walk the same beat, and every day he'd see this one man going about his daily routine: at the same time every day this man would cheerfully walk to the store and buy groceries, then walk back home. Well, one day the cop was feeling particularly miserable about being stuck walking the same beat every day, and the man's cheerfulness only made the cop feel more sullen. So the cop, being an A-hole, decided to harass the man.

As the man was cheerfully walking to the grocery store, the cop approached and asked, "Hey, buddy, where are you going?"

The man cheerfully shrugged and said, "I don't know."

The cop was taken aback: "What do you mean you don't know?"

"I have no idea where I'm going," the man clarified.

This pissed the cop off. "Every day I see you at the same time walk to the grocery store, and now you're telling me you don't know where you're going!?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying."

So this cop, thinking that the man was purposefully lying to him, threatened to arrest him if he didn't tell him where he was going. The man just repeated that he had no idea where he was going. So the cop cussed him out, slapped him into handcuffs, and hauled him off to jail.

After locking him in the jail cell, the cop said, "What do you have to say for yourself now?"

The man cheerfully replied, "You see? When I headed out this morning I had no idea I would be going to go to jail."

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posted by Christopher at 9:02 PM

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Friday, May 09, 2008

Birfday Funtimes Continue 

Tuesday (my actual birfday) I got a bunch of cupcakes at work, and my boss gave me a gift certificate to NoiseBot. There were several other good ones, but in the end I selected this T-shirt:

Carrie had to work late (until like 6:00 or something), but then after she got off we went down to Gateway to India for my birfday dinner, where we were met by Christine & Lawrence. I had Gosht Korma! Very good!

Later on in the evening Carrie & I went out and saw Forgetting Sarah Marshall (Another "Blanking Blank" title movie!). It was very funny and incredibly intelligent. Now I have two movie reviews to write.

Wednesday we cleaned the house and then in the evening went downtown to The Harmon restaurant, where we met my whole family, which came to 9 entire people around one table. Carrie & I hadn't been to The Harmon in a few years, and we were pleased to find that it was still very tasty (and they still had their beer ski). I had a steak with a green peppercorn reduction on a bed of crispy onion straws.

Then everybody came back to our house, where we were joined by Neighbor Gary. I then opened presents. I got cool stuff!

Carrie made me some lemon cupcakes with chocolate frosting (my favorite cake combo), and after those I played some Smash Bros with my own Bro and Cassie.

Thursday in the afternoon Lawrence took me out to see Iron Man. I now have three movie reviews to write. When I got home I got a package from, which I thought was odd because I hadn't ordered anything from them. Turns out it was a birthday gift from Taisha, Battlestar Galactica - The Complete Epic Series (Limited Edition Cylon Head Packaging)

Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday in person, online, over the phone, and/or by giving me a gift!

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posted by Christopher at 8:06 AM

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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Do NOT Patronize the Downtown India Mahal Restaurant 

Yet another incident in a long string of violent, horrible behavior from the owner of the India Mahal restaurant, this time involving a young mother with 6-year-old and a baby in her arms!

Read the story and please, please, please pass it along to everyone you know. If you have a blog, post a link to the original story. This kind of behavior cannot be tolerated.

(via Shiny Distractions)

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posted by Christopher at 12:16 PM

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Friday, March 28, 2008

Hard To Drive a Bus in the Snow 

Yesterday (Thursday) we woke up to snow on the ground. This was no big surprise considering that it was snowing Wednesday evening. It was kind of a surprise that it was snowing at all this close to April, though. This never happens 'round these parts. I got Carrie off to work nonetheless, and from there she left for Portland for the weekend (boo).

After work I came home, had a sammitch, fed Suki, took care of a couple of sundries around the house, then I headed up to Seattle. It started to snow again while I was on my way up there!

I hung out with Sandy a bit and then we went and got Mathias and proceeded to have dinner at Taki's Mad Greek. This has got to be one of my favorite Greek restaurants evar. Especially the Oven Baked Feta appetizer. And their pork is cooked just right: not too much, but not too little. And everything just tastes really, really tasty.

I also took a photo of the decorations in the men's room:

On the left there we have a completely nude Poseidon, but on the right we have Theseus covering his privates with a leaf! I wonder why. Does he not measure up to Poseidon? I just thought it was funny.

After dinner we parked near their apartment and then walked through the bitter cold (though it wasn't snowing at that time) to Neumos, where we met up with Jason and his wife Jennifer, as well as Geoff and Lisa!

Why were we there? Why, to see Busdriver, of course! Look:

The man moves as fast as he raps; it's difficult to get a good picture of him. Just look at the blur lines on his left hand in those pictures!

When we got to Neumos we were basically the only people there. Everybody else was in the attached bar. When Busdriver took the stage we were still practically the only people there, but Busdriver plunged ahead anyway. A handful of other people trickled in after he started (30 to 40). Last time I saw him the place was packed so we all thought it was weird, until we figured out that this was a 21-up show, and he usually plays to all-ages at Neumos. I guess only the kids like the Busdriver.

Anyhoo, it was a great set, and he did that cover of Man, It's So Loud in Here by They Might Be Giants that I really like. He played for just under an hour. We all met him over at his merch table, where Sandy bought the last copy of his rarities CD. He told me he'd go to his car and see if he could find another, but I wasn't able to catch him again before we left. I talked to him a bit about that TMBG song he does, and he said it was pretty old and he was thinking of retiring it. He's very shy and awkward off the stage. Hopefully he'll have another copy next time he comes into town.

Sandy kinda creeped him out by showing him a picture of the Busdriver Bot magnet that she made.

An hour after he left the stage the "main attraction," the Gray Boy All-Stars took the stage, and suddenly the theater was swarmed with frat boys, bros, and similar early-to-mid 30s types (and the kind of women who hang out with them). They were a jazzy kind of quintet, with drums, bass, guitar, sax, and keyboards. They were all very skilled musicians, but it was just not what we were in the mood for, and also didn't really sound like what they offer on their MySpace page. They sounded like they were straight out of 1985. Seriously! They even looked it.

At one point Sandy turned to me and said something to the effect that she felt like they were a band that the Huxtables would go and watch on the Cosby show. Mathias summed it up best by saying they were "Sportscoat and Bluejeans" jazz. They didn't go with Busdriver at all, so it wasn't a big surprise that none of their fans came out to see Busdriver go crazy.

We left after four or so songs. Jason gave us a ride back to S&M's apartment, and from there I drove on home.

You can read Mathias's "version" of events over at his website. He's got some really crazy pictures up, too.

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posted by Christopher at 4:41 PM

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Friday, July 20, 2007

The "K" to the "Wik" to the "E" to the "Mart" 

On Thursday whilst leaving an excellent dinner at Taki's Mad Greek in Ballard (get the feta cheese appetizer—trust me), Sandy, Mathias, & I passed by one of the 7-11's that's been converted into a Kwik-E-Mart to promote the upcoming Simpsons Movie:

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posted by Christopher at 8:32 AM

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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

What's Going On!! 

The Puget Sound Bead Festival continued for the duration of the weekend. I actually went and walked around the show on Saturday for a bit, and saw the out-of-town girls (in order I saw them) Nicole, Brandy, and Gretchen.

That evening Fools Play did an ambitious new format called "Learnin' the Ropes" in which we try to get our apprentices ready to perform in the span of five (5) days. It had a really large audience, due mostly to friends of the apprentices wanting to see them perform.

Sunday I left Fools Play practice early so I could help tear down the classrooms at the PSBF. Then I drove up to Issaquah for Mike's birthday diner at XXX Root Beer. Man, that place is so good. I had a bacon burger the size of my plate. Then afterwards I went and ordered onion rings.

Carrie & I both took Monday off so we could recover from the PSBF, but also for another reason: we needed to buy a car. A couple of our bead colleagues had bought a car just last week from Toyota of Puyallup and highly recommended the salesman, so we went down there as well and talked with him. And ended up buying the exact same car that they'd bought. They didn't have our 1st choice color available at all, and our 2nd choice color was down in Portland, so it would have to be driven up and so wouldn't be ready until Tuesday. But we were also satisfied with the salesman (though the paperwork department for some reason took for-freakin'-ever). So if you ever want to get a Toyota, go to Toyota of Puyallup and ask for John Martinez, and tell him that Chris Harris & Carrie Hamm sent you (we'll get some sorta kickback if you do).

Monday evening Carrie & I went out on a date and saw Ratatouille.

That brings us to Today, when, after an afternoon nap, Carrie & I went and picked up our new car from the dealership. And here it is:

It's a brand-spankin'-new Toyota Yaris 4-door sedan. Only 400 miles on it. And it's so freakin' cute! I made Carrie drive the rental home from the dealership just so I could drive the Yaris home [evil laugh].

I bought a new car! In the past 8 months I've bought a house, a MacBook, a new mattress set, and a new car. I'm a grown-up! All I need to do now is get a dog.

Then after I dropped Carrie off at the store to teach her evening class (I dropped her off with my NEW CAR) I headed back home and noticed a car in front of mine had the same Toyota of Puyallup dealer plates that I had. "Hmm," I thought, "they got their car at the same place I got my car. That looks like the same type of... hey, wait a minute!" Indeed, it was Robbie, the friend who bought the same kind of car last week! He pulled over at our house and we talked about how cool the Yaris cars are. What's plural for Yaris? Yarisses? Or Yari? Anyhoo, I also gave him back the couple of Gamecube controllers that we'd borrowed, oh, quite a while ago.

I leave you with a pretty picture of the clouds reflected in my new car's hood:

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posted by Christopher at 7:39 PM

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Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Yesterday (Tuesday) I left work a little early because Carrie had a dentist appointment, so I picked her up and took her to that. I played a lot of Kirby Squeak Squad while I waited for her in the waiting room. I think I'm almost done with that game, which is very impressive considering I only really play it when I'm in a waiting room or something like that.

Anyhoo. In the afternoon I stopped by the Bartell's. It was a rare Tuesday that Carrie didn't have to teach in the evening, so that was cool. She did end up working rather late, though (It's the week before the Bead Festival; that's par for the course this time of year).

I got a call in the late afternoon from the insurance company saying they'd decided to total the car. Now I have to go down there on Thursday and get all my personal belongings out of it, and then at some point in the near future shop for another car!

In the evening we walked down to E-9 to join Christine & Lawrence for a couple o' rounds. That was nice. Leia called while we were there to inform us that she & Kedar were going to be moving into a house in Renton! Renton is a LOT closer than Redmond, so we're very excited for them (plus the house sounds absolutely awexome). In fact, they'll actually live closer than Sandy & Mathias! Hoorays!

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posted by Christopher at 3:41 PM

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Saturday, June 30, 2007

I've Been In Your House a Million Times! 

Yesterday (Friday) was another weird weather day where every few minutes it was doing something new—bright sunlight, mist, torrential downpour, almost-hail, etc.

Here's something that pissed me off a little bit. Y'know on Wednesday I made a bunch of hamburgers on the grill. Well, on Thursday Carrie & I both had a couple more burgers during the course of the day. And then at the end of the day she discovered that I had a full, un-opened jar of Trader Joe's pickles in the fridge! You don't understand; those are the best pickles EVAR. They would've been so good on all those burgers! So for lunch yesterday I made more burgers and put some Trader Joe's pickles on one of them (the other one was a Gorgonzola burger, so I didn't want pickles on that one). And I also just ate three pickles straight from the jar. So good!

Anyway, after lunch I took Carrie back to the store, then I came home and watched some BSG. Neighbor Gary showed up! We hung out for a while before I had to go pick Carrie up from work.

At 6:00 Carrie went and got Lawrence and taught him to drive in the rain. At 7:00 everyone was supposed to meet up at the Parkway for some fun Friday evening friends time. Since Carrie was out teaching Lawrence to drive, Christine said she'd come pick me up shortly before 7:00. Well, she finished her errands early, so she picked me up early and we hung out the two of us at the Parkway for a good half hour before anyone else showed up. We talked about all of the vagaries of being homeowners and got a head start on a big pitcher of hard cider.

Carrie & Lawrence showed up and we all ordered food (Carrie & I split a quesadilla). Then one of the new Bead Babes, Marika, came and joined us! Very cool. While we were talking with her we asked her where she was living, and she said she lived on such street between such-and-such streets. Wow, we realized, that's really close to where Laura lived before she went to Europe. After quizzing Marika on what her house looked like inside and out, we quickly realized that she didn't actually live close to Laura's old house. She lived IN Laura's old house!

Coincidence? You decide! But we thought it was absolutely awesome/hilarious. As Carrie said, "I've been in your house a million times!"

Eventually we were joined by Melissa and Travis. We'd invited both Viki and Gary (separately), but neither of them ended up showing up, which was too bad. But it was still a very, very fun evening. Eventually Carrie drove the two of us back home, and I was allowed to put on an episode of BSG in the bedroom (though we switched to Home Movies when it was time for us to actually fall asleep).

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posted by Christopher at 1:06 PM

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Saturday, June 23, 2007

Round 1: Dirty Heel, Fight 

Yesterday (Friday) I brought Carrie home for lunch and then we had lunch. Hmm... that was a good sentence I just wrote, eh? Anyhoo... I took her back to work after lunch, then came home and went to enjoy my pretty backyard. While I was back there I heard what sounded like a car pulling into my driveway. I poked my head around the corner and saw none other than Neighbor Gary getting out of his car!

He has moved back to Tacoma for the summer, living just a ten-minute drive away with a couple of his friends. Kickass. So we hung out for a while, then I sent him on his way so I could clean the kitty litter and then drive on down to Olympia to hang out with Tia!

I met Tia and her friend Alanna (sp?) at the Barnes & Nobles down there. While there I picked up the CUTEST BOOK EVAR:

Sea Creatures

It's so cute that Tia bought one too! After that the whole crew went back to Tia & Siobhan's apartment and hung out for a bit before deciding to go out to dinner.

Deciding where to go to dinner was a little torturous only because everyone except for me and Siobhan were incredibly indecisive—and Siobhan wasn't even going with us! So I eventually decided that we were going to Mekong (the one in Oly, not in T-town). I, as usual, had the Phud Thai, and it, as usual, was excellent.

We then went back to Tia's place, where Alanna & I both created characters for Soul Caliber III. Alanna created some girl based on a MUD that she and Tia do. I, on the other hand, made Dirty Heel. Yes, that Dirty Heel. Came out looking pretty good, too! With the beard and the dark glasses and everything. It was pretty funny fighting with him.

Anyway, after that I drove on home. Or, rather, I drove on towards home. I made a detour on the way to Christine's house, where Carrie was hanging out. I hung out there as well. We watched some Veronica Mars Season 2 and had some wine and a good time. Steph and Jamie showed up at some point as well. After exposing Christine to some Season 2 goodness (she hasn't seen the 2nd season yet), Carrie & I went on home.

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posted by Christopher at 4:37 PM

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Patio it Up 

Yesterday (Thursday) when I picked Carrie up from work and brought her home my dad was already there, working in the backyard, prepping the area for our new patio! He wanted to go to The Rosewood for dinner, but Carrie oddly did not have a split-shift on a Thursday, so she didn't have enough time to join us.

So my dad & I both went to Rosewood and had tuna sammitches. I also had the French onion soup, though that took a while to appear. We also both had dessert! I had a big ol' cookie and dad had the chocolate torte-like thing. He also insisted on paying, which I think is crazy because of all the free labour he's doing for us in the backyard. But he was insistent.

We left there and went straight to Lowe's, where we wandered around and looked for patio pavers. We eventually did locate them and bought five of 'em for a test. He lugged them back in the trunk of dad's car and installed one in the backyard before he left.

I was up late working in the evening. Surprisingly, Brandy was up even later than I was. She saw that I was on Google and had me give her a call and we had a good conversation. After that it was very late, so I took out the trash (literally) and went to bed.

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posted by Christopher at 12:34 AM

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Sunday, June 17, 2007


Yesterday (Saturday) Carrie woke me up in the morning and informed me that she was taking me to breakfast. But first we were picking up Lawrence and taking him to get his learner's permit at the DMV.

I wisely grabbed my DS before we left, because the whole DMV process took two-and-½ hours. At one point when we were wondering just why it was taking so long, Lawrence joked out loud, "It's because I'm black, right?" It took the ladies sitting next to us a few seconds to figure out he was joking. But soon they were on our side and rooting that Lawrence's number would be called next. When he did finally get called up they all applauded for him. Very funny.

By the time that was all done with it was time for lunch, not dinner. We went to the Pine Cone Café again. I had a Monte Christo sammitch! My favorite sammitch! With raspberry jam and everything. Lawrence had pancaces, and said they were some of the best pancakes he'd had in years and years.

We stopped by the dollar store on the way home so I could get some supplies for the evening's episode of Fools Play. While I was in there Carrie let Lawrence drive the car around a mostly-empty parking lot for a bit, then we all met in the bakery section of Safeway so I could pick up a cake, also for Fools Play.

When we were walking back to the car I realized that I needed disposable plastic forks for the cake. So while I went back to get those, Carrie and Lawrence went across the street to the pawn shop to see if they had a part Lawrence needs for his guitar. They didn't. So instead he got a PlayStation 2, a couple controllers, and a Grand Turismo game. For "driving practice."

We took him home and came home ourselves. I had to rest for an hour or so, then gather together all of the various sundries for Fools Play in the evening. It was a lot more stuff than usual.

That's because it was a special show — Fools Play Surprise! The surprises included:
  • The Red Fool is here—but he's not going to perform!
  • Chris is hiding somewhere in the theater, and whoever finds him wins a prize! (I was dressed like a Tamagotchi
  • We've been training our apprentices at the Fools Play Compound! Let's take a look at that footage...
  • It's YOUR birthday! Here's a cake and a birthday present!
  • Easter egg hunt!
  • One of the Fools has a suggestion card hidden on their person. You get to find it!
  • Shave-off!
  • Roomba Fight!
  • And, finally, at the end of the show Mike gets a limo!

After the show there was a lot of tear-down, but Mike thankfully came back from the limo and helped out a bit. I was the last person to arrive at Rib Eye, and there were no more spaces at any of the occupied tables! Thankfully Sandy (and later Jason) helped me start a NEW table.

I also gave Jason my digital camera to take photos during the show, so here's a slideshow of those photos!

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posted by Christopher at 9:52 PM

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Friday, June 15, 2007

Last Hurrah (For Now) 

Yesterday (Thursday) my dad came over to work in the yard while Carrie & I were still at work. Carrie walked home at one point and was rather startled to see his car in the driveway. She forgot that he has a blue car now, so she didn't know who could possibly be parked in our driveway!

Anyhoo, after work I picked up Carrie and we quickly swung by the drugstore and then headed home. I took my dad out to lunch at E-9, where he had an onion/Swiss burger and I had a good ol' club sammitch. I took some of it home for Carrie, then worked in the backyard a bit with my dad, digging up grass in preparation for paving.

Geoff showed up while we were out back. He leaves for China today! So this was our last chance to hang out. We set up our laptops on the dining room table and spent many hours making each other listen to our music collections. "Hey, have you heard this?" "Wow! I really like that! But have you heard this?" That kind of thing. It was really a lot of fun, and a very fitting way to hang out with Geoff before he goes away for six months.

He left around 7:15 to go do capoeira, and I settled down with konpyuta and did what I promised to do: I wrote my review of Spider-Man 3. Take that, procrastination! Pow!

So I really didn't get any work-work done, which is unfortunate because there's quite a bit I need to still do. But hanging out with my best friend since kindergarten seemed more important. Weird, I know. But fear not! Geoff has set himself up with a blog so he can chronicle his adventures in the exotic Orient! It's called More Qi! There's nothing on it right now, but that's okay, he plans to post photos and maybe even other things once we figure out how he can.

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posted by Christopher at 2:42 PM

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Saturday, June 09, 2007

Let Me Handle Your Food, Won't You? 

Yesterday (Friday) morning before I went to work I drove down to the Tacoma Health Department and took my Food Handler's Test. It is so very boring and so very easy. But now I have the card, so I'm actually allowed to work out in the store and not just in the back (if I'm needed).

After work I made some Mandarin Chicken for lunch, I did some work, and then I went out and planted a whole new flower bed in the front yard. Well, actually it's not in the front yard. It's in that little strip of grass on the other side of the sidewalk. It's cute, though!

After that I wrote an entry for this here website, and then Geoffs came over and we hung out. He figured out how to connect to my MacBook here and so he dumped a whole bunch of his music onto it. Cool! We called Lawrence and he walked up from Starbucks to hang out with us.

We all went to for din-dins, then came back and hung out for a little bit more. Geoff showed Lawrence some cool pushing-hands stuff that was fun to watch.

Then at 9:30 we headed on down to Lakewood and went and saw Pirates of the Caribbean at World's End. I still have to write my Spider-Man 3 review before I write my PotCaWE (what an awkward acronym) review, but I'll just say that I did enjoy it.

It was almost 1:00 in the AM by the time the movie was out. So I drove Lawrence home to his place, and took Geoff back to my place where his vehicle was waiting to take him home. Then I went to bed.

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posted by Christopher at 3:04 PM

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Friday, June 08, 2007

In the Driver We Trust 

Yesterday (Thursday) after work I came home and wrote an entry in this here blog. Then I headed up to Seattle and met up with Sandy. I got supremely sleepy on the way up, so when I got there I took a ten minute nap whilst Sandy got herself readied.

Then we got in her rental car and started the long, strange journey to go pick her car up from the dealership where it had been repaired.

First off, it was almost impossible to get to the freeway. For some reason the downtown entrances are all blocked off (like I discovered when I tried to use them on Tuesday). So Sandy planned to go through the international district and onto the onramp by SafeCo Field (like I ended up doing on Tuesday). This proved to be extraordinarily difficult, though, due to the fact that for some reason there was a fire truck parked at almost every intersection in the International District, lights flashing and spinning and all that. We didn't see any smoke anywhere, so who knows what that was about, eh?

Well, finally we got on the freeway, and that wasn't actually too all that bad until we got around Tukwila. But that's always bad. We went over on 405 to 167 and took that down to Auburn. That was wide, wide open all the way through Kent, and then came to a grinding almost-halt. We slogged our way down through to Auburn's Auto Mall, the horrifying string of car dealerships that stretches for miles and miles in the north half of Auburn. There we finally made it to the car dealership after well over an hour of travel.

After Sandy paid for the new radiator, the manager came out and looked over the paperwork and said that he'd go through everything, but he might be able to as much as half the price that Sandy was charged, and if so then he'd cut her a check the next day. I don't know if that was every actually done or not, though.

Anyway, we went and ate at a tiny little hole-in-the-wall Mexican place for an early dinner 'cause we were both starving (this was around 4:30 or so). We were given our place settings by a six-year-old girl! It was kinda adorable. The restaurant was just a mom, a dad, and their daughter running the whole place. The daughter brought out silverware and napkins and stuff like that while the parents waited and cooked and all that stuff.

I had two cheese enchiladas with onion, and they were very tasty. We also each had that drink that's like rice milk with cinnamon. It's called horchata. Get it if you're ever in a restaurant that offers it. Ve'y tasty.

After that Sandy & I had to slog through much traffic to get to Highway 18 so she could go to Mathias's mom's house and pick up two packages that Mathias had had delivered there. Then we went up Weyerheuser to avoid getting back on 18, and finally we got back onto I-5 and took that all the way up to SoDo, where we retrieved Mathias from Cobalt much later than had originally been planned. But we got a meal to go from the Mexican place for him, so it was all good.

We headed back to their apartment, and as we parked and were walking up to the door, long came Jason, with whom Mathias & I were gonna hang out that evening. We dallied in the apartment for a little bit so Mathias could open his packages (he got an animé DVD, some new fancy headphones and a signal scrubber thing so that his audio monitors would stop picking up radio signals).

Then all four of us walked to Neumos, where Sandy split off and continued walking on to the garage bowling alley to have a bowling night with her co-workers at Starbucks. Jason, Mathias, & I stopped at Neumos, because we all had tickets to see Busdriver live on stage there!

While we were waiting in line a redhead girl asked if she could buy a ticket off of us for $40. We declined, and then proceeded to waste her time by talking about exotic fish and animals with her. Later on her boyfriend or somebody arrived and they were offering $100 for a ticket. A little tempting, but I really wanted to see Busdriver and hang out with M&J. So no go.

We got in and staked out a position towards the right of the stage, close up but out of the way of anyone who wanted to get rowdy. This being Seattle, though, of course nobody got too rowdy.

Busdriver was actually opening for a band called CSS, which I learned did not stand for the internet term "Cascading Style Sheets." It stands for "Cansei de Ser Sexy," which is Portuguese for "tired of being sexy." Before the show started I bought Busdriver's new CD, RoadKillOverCoat. I bought it by handing a $10 bill to Busdriver himself, then he handed me the CD! Yes, Busdriver works his own gimmick table. He was on the phone, though, so unfortunately I didn't get to talk to him. Jason did later, though, and Busdriver actually remembered him from an earlier show! Jason made an off-hand mention of Master P, which will be important soon...

Anyhoo, there was a band before Busdriver played. It was called Natalie Portman's Shaved Head, which I assume is a reference to V for Vendetta. They sounded like early 80s energetic electro-pop stuff. Nothing terribly original, but very well done, and I really appreciated the fact that they wore matching costumes and had two backup dancers! They were very much a kitschy nerd band who were kinda parodying the music they were making. Like an electro-pop version of The Darkness.

Busdriver came on after NPSH, and he had a super mixing board thing, a digital turntable, and two mics (one for regular voice and one with a variety of effects). That was it. It was a really, really good set, and he really tried to work the crowd, which is always hard in Seattle. He made some subtle fun of Seattleites, saying how we made depression look so very stylish and stuff like that. Funny stuff.

Between several songs Busdriver would go off on a tangentical freestyle. During one of these freestyles he did a bit about Master P! Jason was proud for having planted that seed in his head.

My favorite moment, though, was when Busdriver performed a brand-new song based on the They Might Be Giants song "Man it's So Loud in Here" !!!!! It was spectacular! One of my favorite musicians doing a song by my all-time-favorite musicians! I turned to Mathias after he finished that song and said, "Well, I liked that a whole lot!"

We didn't stick around to hear CSS because we were all kinda tired and weren't terribly interested. So Jason was picked up by Jennifer, and Mathias & I walked back to his apartment so I could pick up my murse, which I had intelligently left there. I said goodnight to Sandy, who had also a very fun evening of bowling, and then I got in my car and drove back home.

It was after midnight when I got back, but I was hungro so I mixed some sour cream with salt, pepper, onion & garlic powder, bacon bits, and bleu cheese. I used this concoction as a dip for a bunch of carrots, which I ate in bed whilst watching Teen Titans. Then I fell asleep.

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posted by Christopher at 5:08 PM

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Thursday, June 07, 2007

Kind of a Boys' Night 

Yesterday (Wednesday) after work my dad came over, and I took him to The Spar down on the waterfront because the last time Carrie & I were there a few trains went by. My dad likes trains. I thought he'd enjoy looking at trains.

So we went there and I had fish & chips and he had a patty melt. No trains came. Until finally, right as we were about to finish our meal a train came from the southeast. But only one. So it wasn't a complete bust.

After that we came back to my place and I showed my dad what we want from our backyard, and he got to calculating and planning. It's going to be quite an undertaking, actually, but it will make the backyard much more usable in the long run.

Shortly after my dad left I got a call from Geoff, who was at the Starbucks on the corner. I walked down to meet him and he bought me a hot chocolate (hot because the weather was all gray and chilly). Then we walked back to my place and went through my music collection and hung out for a bit.

I then went to the Mandolin Café for a client meeting at 5:00. It didn't last very long, so I came home and ate my leftover Greek food for dinner.

Then around 8:00 I drove down to Olympia to hang out with Scott, Kevin, and a couple of other people I'd never really met (one of them was named Matt... I can't remember the other one's name). Kevin had an Xbox 360 on a gigantic hi-def screen, and we played a bunch of different games. Kind of a boys' night. Let's see, there was a Splinter Cell game, Gears of War (which I did not like), another 1st Person Shooter, and Smackdown vs Raw 2007. The rasslin' one was fun, but I did not like that it was setup so that once someone started a move on you, someone else couldn't come up and interrupt it. So you'd have (for example) Kane putting Rey Mysterio in a submission hold, and then Mick Foley would run up behind Kane and start punching at the back of his head, but Mick's fists would just pass harmlessly through Kane's head without making any impact whatsoever. Very frustrating during tag matches when you're trying to save your teammate and you can't. I much prefer the hit detection stuff on, say, Wrestlemania X-8, where you could always hit anybody within striking distance no matter WHAT they were doing.

Carrie called while I was down there, and thankfully she was feeling better than the day before!

I eventually headed home and got back here around midnight. I was planning on writing my review of Spider-Man 3, but instead I went down to Olympia and was social and had a fun time. Oh, well.

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posted by Christopher at 1:39 PM

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Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Playing catch-up here...

Carrie unfortunately had to work all freakin' day, despite having bad body ache problems. I went in with her in the morning to help her set up her classes. Then I went to the Fred Meyer and bought a gift bag and some mini eclairs.

Can't remember what I ate for lunch, but shortly thereafter I left for Fools Play Practice, which consisted of Me, Mike, and Jake. We actually worked on the performance mechanics of an awesome new recurring character bit we're calling "Wayward Wave 5." It's working out really well, especially considering it has an enormous character who is completely mimed—none of the Fools actually plays him, we just hear his voice and react to him as if he were really there. Very cool stuff.

I helped Carrie out some more in the afternoon by Wrapping up Gina's Babe Factory Birthday Present: a mini fridge for her college dorm room. It took an entire roll of paper to wrap it! I drove it down to the store and carried it inside and everything (along with the gift bag that had some fridge magnets in it), but I forgot to bring along the mini eclairs! Oh, well, they're in our freezer now.

After I dropped off the gifts I headed immediately up north again, to eat some of my dad's yummy barbecued chicken. Carrie did not accompany me because he had a mandatory store meeting (like I said, she worked all freakin' day). Susan, Jason, and Alexis were all there, though. Jason said that Alexis had been asking all day, "Is Carrie gonna be there? Is Carrie gonna be there?" Very cute. The barbecue food was all very tasty.

When I was walking back to my car to drive home it started raining! But it was almost completely incompetent rain. The raindrops were HUGE and coming down hard, but they were so spread out that I only got hit once ever few seconds. It was bizarre.

Monday after work I picked up Carrie for lunch and made some gnocchi. I took her back to the store and decided to unwind a bit by playing some Final Fantasy I. I was actually really close to the end, and I got up to fighting the final boss of the game when the stupid thing actually froze up! It also dumped all of the saves that I had made that afternoon, so I was basically back to where I was the day before.

I picked Carrie up from work at 3:45 and drove her to her doctor's appointment. I played some Kirby Squeak Squad while I waited for her. She got a prescription, but their prescription printer was out of order so they said they'd call it in to the Bartell's for us.

So I dropped Carrie off at work so she could quickly finish up a couple of things, then I went to the Bartell's to get her prescription. Only they hadn't called it in yet. And I'd left my cell phone at home to charge, so I couldn't call them and tell them to call the Bartell's. So I drove back to the Babe Factory and picked Carrie up. We decided to go later in the evening. Which we did.

But first I made us some pizzas for dinner.

Then Carrie called the Bartell's to make sure that the prescription was there before we headed on down. While I waited for the prescription to fill Carrie got various sundries for her trip. Everything with off sans hitch, and we came back home, where Carrie basically went to bed (she had to get up by like 4:00 in the AM in order to get ready for her flight).

I stayed up and watched a fascinating film: Brian DePalma's Femme Fatale starring Rebecca Romijn and Antonio Banderas. I enjoyed it thoroughly, even through the fantastically surreal last 20 minutes. I did much laundry in the evening while Carrie slept due to the influence of her prescription.

I got up briefly around 4:00 to help Carrie get ready for her trip to Milwaukee. Then I went back to sleep and slept until 7:30.

After work I noticed that my car was low on gas, so I thought, "I'll fill up on the way home." Next thing I know I've habitually pulled right up into my driveway like usual. I sighed, back up, and drove to my usual gas station.

When I got back to the house I called Sandy to see what the Purtlebaughs were up to on Thursday. She said that there were actually a couple of things going on: it was bowling night for her Starbucks, and Busdriver was playing a show at Nuemos in Seattle! Awexome! I've never seen Busdriver live, so that's very exciting news for me.

Anyway, I asked what Sandy was doing right then, and she said she was taking her car in to get the radiator looked at, but I could come hang out with her if I wanted. I wanted, so I drove up and met her at the apartment. We walked over to the car place and picked up her car, and on the way home we stopped at the Elysian Brewery for a couple of burgers. Really good burgers! They have sauteéd onions and your choice of cheeses. I chose bleu, Sandy chose feta!

Then we went back and hung out at the apartment and ate pickles and push-pops.

I drove Sandy down to Cobalt to pick up Mathias. We went back to the apartment and tried to figure out where we wanted to have dinner. The problem with living in Capitol Hill is that you have an incredible amount and variety of choices. We eventually settled on Greek, and we all walked over to Byzantion on Broadway. I liked it very much! I got a combination plate that had souvlaki and meatballs and that yummy stuffed grape leaf thing, really excellent potatoes and a couple of other things. We all also got an appetizer, which was a whole bunch of other really good stuff. I even really enjoyed their hummous, which I usually don't like very much. Goot!

I got a phone call from Carrie while I was at the restaurant, so I did the polite thing and walked outside to talk to her.

After dinner we walked back to the apartment. It was actually starting to get cold, and I'd left my jacket in the car. Whoops! We hung out in the apartment for a while longer before Sandy went to bed and I packed up my stuff and went home.

Or at least I tried to go home. For some reason all of the downtown entrances to I-5 were inaccessible! I had to go all the way down to SafeCo Field to find an entrance to the freeway. Crazy!

Now I'm home typing all this out, and it's late and I'm going to try to get six hours of sleep tonight.

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posted by Christopher at 12:30 AM

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Sunday, June 03, 2007

Year of the Cone 

Yesterday (Saturday) Carrie & I got up relatively early in the morning. We drove out to have breakfast at the Pine Cone Cafe in University Place. The readerboard there proudly proclaimed 2007 as the "Year of the Cone." I had CBH with pancakes. Carrie had French waffles, which are waffles that have been French-toasted with cinnamon and sugar. And then you put syrup on them. Mmm... syrup.

On the way to and leaving the Pine Cone we passed the staging area for some sorta parade or something that was going to go up Bridgeport. We didn't know what was going on, but there were a lot of old cars and a couple of high school marching bands.

Umm... let's see... after that there was some of my family stuff, after which Carrie was not feeling at all well. The massage she got on Friday really screwed up her musculature. So she laid down for quite a while in the afternoon, until about 4:00.

In the meantime I brought out all of my soldering stuff and got cooking. We'll see why in a moment.

Around 4:00 Carrie & I went down and joined some other Bead people (and some non Bead people) at Gina's house for her graduation party! Her house has a deceptively big backyard. You go out there and you think you know how big it's gonna be, but then you look at a corner and realize it keeps going. And also that it has chickens in it.

We sat outside on a swing seat couch thingy, which shielded us somewhat from the rather hot weather. I gave Gina a graduation/birthday present: I soldered her a pendant with Robot & Bird #3 inside of it:

She was very happy. She was so excited that she ran inside and immediately strung it on some chain and wore it. Very, very cute. She couldn't have actually been surprised, though, because she'd hinted to me a few times in very un-subtle ways that she wanted me to make her a pendant.

Anyway, we stayed there for maybe an hour. I ate a whole bunch of deviled eggs, potato salad, and a hamburger. I was on vacuum-cleaner mode for sho'. Then I dropped Carrie off at home and continued on south to Fools Play.

We performed Exhibition, and there was a surprisingly large audience for that format. It was most likely because it was Geoff's next-to-last show. We did a very excellent episode of The Espionager. I'll paraphrase my favorite story that I told:
I was hired as a bodyguard for a London mob boss. We got wind that the Espionager was gonna try to assassinate him, so we set up a trap. We took the mob boss to an abandoned warehouse. The Espionager, being as bold as he was, walked right through the front door as we knew he would, and stepped right into our trap: We'd rigged a solid steel box to drop and trap him inside. The inside of the box was lined with explosives, which went off destroying everything inside. I heard a sound behind me and when I turned around I saw the Espionager stabbing the mob boss through the heart. When we opened the steel box, we discovered that the Espionager had survived the explosion by shielding himself with the body of the mob boss, which was now a charred corpse.

It was a really funny show and a lot of fun to do. Afterwards we all went to Rib Eye, where Jason Brunee for some reason had brought a Fireman puppet. Geoff got his hands on it for quite a while, which was quite hilarious. My phone just happens to have (crappy) video capabilities, so I recorded some of it. I uploaded it to YouTube this morning. Unfortunately they're kinda hard to hear:

There are actually a couple of more. I might upload them later. Or not. Whatevs. Anyway, I sat with Devlin and Becky and ate a Cheesburger Dipper. Very tasty. Before I left a whole bunch of people gave me their tots, and I might have gotten a lead on a new client. It was a very fun evening.

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posted by Christopher at 11:09 PM

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Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Yesterday (Tuesday) for most of the day I felt... just off. I'm fairly confident that all the horribly unhealthy food I ate over Memorial Weekend caught up with me, 'cause my body felt like crap and it didn't help my brain any.

I find it really frustrating when my body gets in such a state that it affects my thought processes.

Anyhoo, there were some good things about yesterday. In the afternoon Carrie & I went to Mandolin Café, where to our delighted surprise we discovered our friend Mandi had just started to work—it was, in fact, her first day! She dyed her hair dark and it looks really cute on her.

The reason we were there was because I was meeting a charming pair of ladies (one of whom is an unabashed Trekkie) who need a logo and a website for a business they're starting up. Hey, those are the services that I provide! Coincidence? I think not. We had a very good meeting and I'm looking forward to coming up with some cool stuff for them.

While I did that Carrie took Lawrence to the DMV so he could get his learner's permit. Unfortunately none of them knew that you needed THREE pieces of ID if you're an out-of-stater. Whoops! All that time waiting at the DMV for nothing. I ended up walking home from Mandolin because they were still down there. But it was a very nice day (just on the verge of being too hot but not quite there) and Mandolin is just under a mile from my house (about .8 miles), so it was a nice walk.

After I took Carrie to the Bead Factory to teach her evening class I watched V for Vendetta (Two-Disc Special Edition) (which I'm borrowing from my co-worker). Quick review: I did like it quite a bit. I didn't mind the change of focus at all. There were only two things that bothered me, and one of them was just because I've read the comic, and they didn't even have my favorite scene from the comic in the movie! 3 or 3½ stars.

After the movie (and partly inspired by it) I made a dedicated effort to get cracking and get over my off-ness. I cleaned a tonne of dishes. I did some WordPress research for another client of mine (though nothing terribly fruitful came of it). After Carrie came home I made dinner (I hadn't eaten any yet) of shrimp gyoza and mixed vegetables with a splash of soy sauce. Much healthier than my other recent meals!

We went to bed and I typed up my movie review of Hot Fuzz. It is now available for y'all to read! You should read it now. NOW!

Hot Fuzz (2007)

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posted by Christopher at 11:56 PM

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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A Wonderful Weekendly of Deliciously Horrible Food 

It all started on Sunday. Carrie & I had originally planned to go lawn mower shopping in the morning, but we slept in some instead. I don't remember what exactly happened for lunch, though I feel that something did. Hmm... I'll have to ask Carrie when she gets home.

Anyhoo, then it was off to Fools Play practice. After that I stopped at Fred Meyer and continued on to the Tarbet house where there was a barbecue going. I took this absolutely adorable picture:

You may be able to tell by the photo that it was plenty windy out. It was a might bit cold as well! Fortunately Jay had the outdoor fireplace thing going pretty well. So well, in fact, that we made s'mores in it. Soon we will have one of those things for ourselves... plans, plans...

So I ate a hamburger, a hot dog, and some chips and a couple of brownie bites.

Linnea's brother brought over his Wii (he's an even bigger geek than I am), so after the food settled a little bit I played some Wii Tennis and Wii Golf vs Jay. Then I played some Wii Bowling with Lena.

It's sideways but I'm too unconcerned to fix it. Just tilt your head. Lena's pretty good at bowling! But then after that we played Wii Boxing, and that little 4-year-old girl whooped me but good. She's frighteningly good at Boxing. I finally managed to beat her once, but I had to really, really work at it. Whew!

When we got home it was before 9:00, but as soon as we got out of the car I felt something inside of me go away and I became instantly, unabashedly sleepy. I went to bed and fell asleep and didn't get up until the next morning.

Carrie had to work on Monday, but I did not. In the morning I drove to a few places and found the best price/quality ratio on a new lawn mower. I guess I should say a first new lawn mower, because it's the first one I've ever actually owned. Pretty exciting. I got it at Home Depot. I had the sense to ask for help getting it off the shelf but not getting it into my car, but I manned up and stuffed it in there all by myself. I a big boy now!

It was much easier getting it out of the car and dragging it up the stairs than it was putting it into the car.

At noon I went up north to Grandma K's place for a big barbecue they were having for Memorial Day. I had a hamburger and a hot dog and a bag of chips. And an ice cream bar for dessert. They had a live band, the Cow Chips. They did old cowboy/ragtime type of songs. Stuff that Gene Autrey would sing (and did).

I came home and assembled the lawn mower and filled it up with oil, though not gas.

Then after Carrie got off of work we were picked up by Christine and Lawrence and we all went to Jefferson park just to hang out in the nice weather. We played some frisbee and no-net badminton (with extremely short racquets).

They're so cute!

A while into that we were joined by Melissa. Then a while after that we all started getting hungry, so we went down to The Spar and had fish and chips. Well, I had fish and chips. And so did Carrie. Other people had other things, like burgers and chicken fingers. But they missed out, 'cuase Spar fish & chips are some of the best in T-town. Anyway, Travis joined us there as well.

By the time we got home it was pretty late, but I still did an hour's worth of work on stuff that I needed to work on. Then I went to bed.

So over the course of the weekend I ate several hot dogs and several hamburgers, and some fried fish. It was all rather tasty, but I am not feeling at all healthy right now.

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posted by Christopher at 8:39 PM

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Saturday, May 26, 2007

Cookout and Taverns 

Yesterday (Friday) Carrie had lunch with work stuff, so I ate by myself. Then I went to the Fred Meyer and bought some sundries and variousities.

Carrie was brought home by someone (not me) and she had me go back out to Safeway and the liquor store for some others and varietals. Then we packed up a whole grip of stuff and headed out to Point Defiance park to barbeque! Or barbecue. Or Bar-B-Que. Or Bar-B-Q. Or BBQ. Howsoever you'd like to spell it, we did it.

We were joined by Cat, Heather, Christine, Melissa, and Leilani, and later on Heather's Chris. There were burgers, bratwursts, hot dogs, chips, carrots, cookies, and all that kind of thing.

After finishing the barbecue we all (except Leilani) headed over to The Goldfish Tavern, which is right next to Point Defiance. It's a tiny little dive, but kinda cute. The speakers were way too loud, though. Everyone (except me) had a drink there.

Carrie, Christine, Melissa, and I all went to The Parkway after that. We were joined some time later by Lawrence and Travis.

It was a really, really fun relaxing evening, especially for Carrie and the other Bead Babes, who'd had a most hectic day at work.

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posted by Christopher at 11:32 AM

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Sunday, May 20, 2007

TGI Friday Harbor - Day 2 

On Saturday we got up around 8:00. Carrie's shoulder was really hurting her from her fall the day before. We showered, but there was a problem with the hot water. The problem was that it would only stay hot for 30 - 60 seconds. Then you had to turn the water off and wait for a minute before you could have any more hot water. Strange that the "water" section of Elements would have problems with its water...

Anyway, after that inconvenience Leah picked us up and drove us to the other side of the island. We saw an actual, real-life fox on the side of the road! It was a nicer day than Friday, with more sun and slightly warmer temperatures. We ended up at another cute little beach alcove at the foot of a gentle slope and book-ended by cliffs. Here are Carrie and Leah and Leah's much-too-large sunglasses on the beach:

We were at this beach to go looking at some super tidepools. These weren't no wussy tidepools. These were the real deal:

This is what much of the weekend consisted of, looking down into water while Leah pointed out all the cool things in it:

Around the corner of a big ol' rock we stumbled upon this chiton that was way too far away from the water. Look at that crazy thing:

That's its foot! You couldn't see the plates on its back because they were covered with skin, but you could feel them underneath there. The skin had an interesting texture, kind of like Floam. After we were done looking it over, Leah put it back in the water. Well, it would be more accurate to say that Leah flung it about 50 feet into the water.

We kept on poking around the tidepools, seeing cool things like entire colonies of anemones all curled up on themselves:

And this really bright orange sea star, which Leah tells me is called Henrecia leviuscula, or "blood star:"
Whose blood is that orange, though? At any rate it was a really pretty morning by this time, so here are some pretty pictures. Enjoy:

After we were done poking around the tidepools, Leah took us back into town and we had breakfast at the Front Street Café. Carrie had the Eggs Benedict, and she said that it was some of the best Benedict she'd ever had in a restaurant. I had the chicken fried steak, which was really, really excellent. The breading was really thick and crunchy and tasty. Leah had French toast.

We walked around town after that, poking into all the touristy shops along the way. We found a wine shop that sold an exclusive line of wines that you can't get in any other store, so we picked up four bottles (actually we just bought them and had the guy hold them). We also went into a bookstore up on the 2nd floor of the pier area so Leah and Carrie could buy Father's Day presents. There was a universal air of exceptional service all over the island. Everyone was friendly and jovial and jolly. Probably because tourist season hasn't ground them down yet. Cynical? Not at all!

Eventually Leah left us because she had to go back to the laboratories and do some stuff for the open house they were having on Saturday. Carrie & I poked into a couple of other stores and then walked to our hotel and picked up all our baggage. We walked the three blocks back to the waterfront and passed on the way an ice cream shop that Leah had recommended. I got a cone of Butterfingers ice cream and Carrie got a cherry limeade. Really good! We walked down to a bench on the waterfront and ate/drank our stuff there. Then we picked up our wine and walked onto the ferry.

This ferry had come from Canada, so when we got back to Anacortes we had to go through customs. Here was the extent of customs: We showed our IDs to the guy, he asked us each where we were born (Carrie said, "Cleveland, Ohio." I said, "Rentuhn!").

We used the restroom in the ferry terminal. Carrie went first, and then I went, and when I came out I was surprised to find Carrie standing with Kedar. He had missed his ferry over to Friday Harbor and now had to wait over two hours for the next one! Whoops! We wished him luck and hauled our stuff to the parking lot where our car awaited us.

I drove because Carrie's shoulder/neck injury prevented her from turning her head very far. She decided she still wanted to go to Fools Play, and called Trevor to see if he wanted to go as well. He was over at his friend Andrew's house, and they both wanted to go. So on our way down south we stopped in Fife (after a stop at a Starbucks in Federal way to go to the bathroom) and picked the two of them up. They had just seen Robin Hood: Men in Tights and were talking about how hilarious it was. *Sigh* It's nice to expose them to Fools Play so they can see stuff that is actually funny. Hopefully soon they'll become comedic snobs like me!

We didn't stop at our house on the way to Oly because I'd thought ahead and packed all of my Fools Play stuff. At least, I thought I'd packed all of my Fools Play stuff...

We got to Studio 321 shortly before 7:00, and Carrie took the boys off to buy something to drink. It was then that I realized I didn't have the box office with me. I tried calling Carrie, but she'd left her phone in the car (a recurring theme of the entire weekend, as it would turn out). When she got back she agreed to go out again and get some change with the $50 bill I had in my wallet. So it all worked out after all.

The show was Fools Play Character night, and highlighted all of Geoff's recurring characters to the fullest. It ended with an extra-length episode of Nanamo.

I did not hang out with people after the show because I was tired from having such a long weekend, and we had to get the boys back to Fife at a semi-reasonable hour. We went through a Jack-in-the-Box drivethru on the way back. We dropped Trevor & Andrew off and then went on home ourselves.

Wotta weekend!

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posted by Christopher at 11:59 PM

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TGI Friday Harbor - Day 1! 

On Friday morning I went in to work a whole two hours early, as I mentioned in my last post. While I was at work Carrie stayed home and packed a couple of overnight bags. Then she swung by the store and picked me up and we drove (she doing the actual driving) up to Anacortes to catch the Anacortes ferry to Friday Harbor!

We got to the ferry terminal plenty early. It had a stand-up of Raiden Fighters that unfortunately was out of order, so I played the other shmup stand-up they had there. We watched an episode of Teen Titans on my MacBook's DVD player, and then we boarded the ferry. It was kind of a gray day, but it was still nice enough. Here's the view out of the ferry window:

We passed a ferry going the opposite direction.

The ferry ride lasts over and hour, and weaves through the San Juan Islands to San Juan Island itself, the site of the hilarious British/American Pig War. We sat in the upper floor for most of the time, but towards the end we grabbed all our bags (since you can't leave them unattended) and wandered around the upper floor deck.

Finally we arrived at Friday Harbor on San Juan Island. After disembarking the ferry we turned right as instructed and were picked up by Leah, super-cute haircut and all! Hooray! She drove us to our hotel so we could check in, and then drove us around the island, past the lighthouse to a secluded little beach.

As we were walking across a grassy field towards the beach (actually towards the cliff you have to climb down to get to the beach), Carrie's foot entered a hole in the ground and down she went!

But we made it down the cliff without incident. Then Leah showed us around the beach.

She told us about her school project where she turns over rocks and catches all of the crabs underneath them, then measures them. Needless to say, there were a tonne of crabs at this beach.

Here's a cute picture of Carrie and Leah:

And here's another crab:

Here's a view across the water towards some other islands. I'm not exactly sure which direction this is looking; the overcast sky really wreaked havoc with my direction sense. I think that might be Canada over there, though:

Leah said that this gigantic stump hadn't been on the beach the day before. Tides sure are sumpin', ain't they:

I like this photo. If it were 30 degrees warmer and the beach were a little less gravelly and a little more sandy, then this would look just like some location from Lost:

Leah was getting hungry, and I was on vacuum cleaner mode (meaning I could eat any amount of food at any time), so we scaled back up the cliff

And Leah drove us back into town where we had dinner at Vic's Driftwood Drive Inn, a really cool little place with an enormous menu. The menu in fact took up the entire back wall of the restaurant. Leah eats there quite a bit, so she knows them. She ordered a breakfast sammitch even though they technically weren't supposed to serve them anymore. Carrie hitched herself to Leah's star power and ordered a breakfast sammitch, too. I ordered a club sammitch. The guy behind the counter (Vic himself?) was really funny and cool. And my sammitch was ENORMOUS! I couldn't even pick up the frikkin' thing! Just ask Mathias if you don't believe me (he got the same sammitch when he went to Vic's while visiting Leah).

After dinner Leah took us to the Laboratories where she lives and works. The University of Washington runs a world-renowned marine research lab and campus just outside of Friday harbor. And that's where she took us. First she showed us the electron microscope, which was super cool. It was like something out of an old Sci-Fi movie. Then she showed us some lab rooms, which universally had big tanks of water and hoses and grates and water.

She took us to the lab room that she uses, where there were several cool creatures in tanks, such as shrimp, anemones, sea stars, and sea cucumbers. Here's Carrie not enjoying holding a sea cucumber:

When they get agitated, sea cucumbers swell up something fierce. This one got to the size of a football before we put it back. Some sea cucumbers spit up their guts as a defense mechanism (so predators will eat their guts and not them), but this one thankfully never got THAT agitated. Its skin felt like a rubber wetsuit.

Leah also poked an anemone with a sea star and set it lurching around the tank. It was pretty funny. Some of the most fun over the weekend was watching Leah poke and prod and toss around various sea creatures. She's actually posted videos of herself doing this (including one of the swimming anemone, called "swimming anemone").

The laboratories had a cool Japanese-esque architecture to them. I only took one photo of one building, and didn't really successfully capture the Japanese feel of the place. But I like this picture because you can actually see the Friday Harbor docks across the bay in the background:

Leah showed us her dorm room and everything. Then she took us back to our hotel. We were staying at Elements, which up until just a few weeks ago was the Friday Harbor Inn. We got a "water" room, but unfortunately they didn't have any water rooms with jetted tubs left. Fortunately, though, the facilities included a pool and a jacuzzi. Very fortunately, Leah had her swimsuit with her at the labs (it makes sense for a marine biologist to have a swimsuit with her), so we all put on our swimsuits and spent time in both the jacuzzi and the pool. Going back and forth and all that. It was a tonne of fun. Carrie & I like hanging out with Leah! It was a good way to close out the day.

Day 2 coming soon...

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posted by Christopher at 11:26 PM

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Sunday, May 13, 2007

Special Delivery! 

Yesterday (Saturday) I got up in the morning and went and uploaded my latest movie review! You should go read it now. NOW!

Grindhouse (2007)

Carrie & I were originally planning on going out to breakfast, but we ended up getting up and getting ready so late that it was more like going out for lunch.

We went to The Spar down near the waterfront. As we were walking up to the building Carrie noticed somebody in the kitchen who looked familiar. Turns out it was Chris, our downstairs neighbor from back when we used to live in the apartment (the one with stained-glass windows). We also ran into Katie, which we kinda expected.

We had deep fried seafood and Spar chips, and it was a very good lunch.

We came back home and I got ready for and left for the Fools Play workshop. After the workshop Mike & I got a pizza at Brewery City Pizza. They do make some tasty pizzas there. We ate it back at Studio 321 before setting everything up and working out the kinks in the new format.

That's right, Mike & I were the only two Fools who could make it to this show, so we invented a brand-new format: Fools Play Special Delivery! In it, Bill the Mailman goes around delivering mail to people, but not before he opens the letters and reads them! In the end he discovers a vast conspiracy and sets off to stop it Hot Fuzz style.

It was a frikkin' hilarious show. There were several scenes where both Mike and I could not stop busting up while we were performing them. And thankfully the audience was busting up right along with us.

After the show we went to Rib Eye, where I sat with Mathias, Sandy, & Amber. I had a French dip and two Pepsis, on account of I needed the caffeine so that I wouldn't fall asleep on the way home.

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posted by Christopher at 9:19 AM

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Saturday, April 28, 2007

Once More Unto the Breach, Dear Friends 

Yesterday after work my dad came over again. We went out to The Rosewood for lunch, where I had the special sammitch, a sub piled hight with absolutely delicous ham and red bell peppers and yummy.

Then we came home and worked in the yard for a little bit longer, digging up the newly conceived flowerbed. He also brought over a couple of flowers to get me started! Very cool. I really like the way the yard is shaping up this year.

At 4:00 I headed up to Seattle once more and hung out with Sandy for a bit before we left and got Mathias from Cobalt. We then met my brother at this cool little Japanese restaurant called Takohachi. It has a sign with a big red octopus on it (octopus is "tako" in Japanese, hence "Takohachi"). According to Sandy & Mathias, the food in there is authentic Japanese food, the kind you'd find at regular ol' diners and non-fancy restaurants. I had "croquettes" and pork cutlet, both of which were good. And not expensive. My brother had been holding the table for a while, and right after we got there a whole bunch of other people showed up and there was no room for them! There were easily eight people waiting for tables the whole time we were eating. If you go to Takohachi, get there before 6:00!

Originally a couple of other people from Cobalt, as well as one of the Purtlebaughs' friends, were going to meet us there for dinner, but they all crapped out, so it was just the four of us. I guess they heard I was coming...

Anyhoo, after dinner I went back to Sandy & Mathias's place. Sandy parked and when we got out of the car she saw her other Chris friend walking up the street (this Chris was one who was supposed to meet us at Takohachi). We chatted about turtle soup, and then he left to go eat oysters. The rest of us hung out for a bit before Chris came over, then we all went to Daiso (again for Sandy & me). I bought a notebook for work and also some paper kite hanging decorations. Dunno quite what I'm gonna do with them, but they's cute.

After that we went back to S&M's apartment, though Chris went back up to his own apartment. The rest of us hung out and watched some YouTube stuff—they'd never heard of the thing with Mentos and Diet Coke, so we found the video of the two guys in lab coats putting on a fountain show:

We read all about Daiso. Sandy made warm fudge sundaes. At 10:00 we all watched Numb3rs, which S&M had never seen before. I like that show—this was the one where Larry comes back from space.

After that I drove on home and played with my MacBook. I'm writing this blog entry in it right now! Tee-hee!

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posted by Christopher at 1:23 PM

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Friday, April 27, 2007

At Long Last 

Well, it's finally happened. The thing that I said would happen for my 30th birthday. yes, folks, that's correct: I got myself a new laptop computer. Or notebook computer, howsoever you wanna say it.

I got myself a MacBook.

I got it immediately after work, and the first thing I did when I turned it on was install Firefox. I played with it for a half hour or so, and then I put it in my murse (it fits!) and drove up to hang out with Sandy in Seattle. We ate a tonne of strawberry shortcake, blew bubbles out the window (which was unreasonably fun), and then drove downtown to go to Daiso, a Japanese store where most things cost just $1.50 or $3.00 (I think it's called Daiso). We then went to the Starbucks next to Cobalt and waited just a bit for Mathias to get out of work.

For dinner we went to a little Mediterranean place that was really, really tasty. And for dessert we all had baklawa. It was a different version than I've had before, though; it had a square base, and its four sides were triangular, and then the ground nut mixture was all in the middle. Very tasty.

I hung out at their apartment afterwards for a little bit. I took this photo with the built-in camera in my MacBook!

Sandy has to get up at like 3:30 in the AM for her new Starbucks job, so she went to bed at 9:30, which is when I left.

I came home and finished up a bit of work, and then played with my new MacBook. I need to think of a good name for my new computer! Something better than "Christopher Harris' Computer." My old laptop was named Raichu. My two tower computers are named "Optimus" and "Totoro."

What should my new laptop be named? Suggestions, please!

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posted by Christopher at 7:26 AM

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Thursday, April 26, 2007

Garfnin Uvluvv 

Yesterday (Wednesday) when I got home from work my dad was already there, working away in the backyard. He'd left too early and gotten to my house before I did. We went down to E-9 for lunch, where I got my standard mushroom/gorgonzola burger, which was good as always.

Then it was back to the house where we entered a "Blue Sky" planning phase, as they call it at Disney (basically it means you plan for the ultimate ideal of what you want, regardless of things like cost, technological limitations, and time). I got out a pad of paper and figured out what, ideally, would I like my backyard to be like?

It was not as nice a day as I would have liked, and at one point it drizzled a little bit, but my dad & I got a good bit of work done. We outlined a new flowerbed area (actually an extension off of one end of the row of trees) and cleaned out the corner shadow flower bed.

I had a pizza for din-dins after he left, and in the evening I did some work and watched a new episode of Mythbusters where they worked on ninja myths, which was rather entertaining.

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posted by Christopher at 7:15 AM

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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Batteries Chargin'! 

Yesterday (Monday) we got a phone call from Laura! Hooray! It doesn't, unfortunately, look like she and Carrie will be able to meet up when Carrie is in Europe. Boo!

Carrie dropped me off at work and then went and got a cute chunky haircut. After she picked me up we came home and played some Mario Kart Double Dash.

Linnea & the girls came over shortly after that, and Carrie made some grilled cheese sammitches and a veggie tray for all of us for lunch. All the girls (Carrie included) then walked down to Starbucks and hung out there for a bit.

After she got back, Carrie & I made a circuit that included Bartell's, the Proctor Library, and then Best Buy, where Carrie used some gift cards to buy an extra battery to charge her portable devices.

For din-dins we walked down to Primo Grill and used our gift certificate (lots of gift cards and certificates yesterday, eh?). Carrie had the sausage pizza that she likes very much. I tried something new: the Guinness-braised lamb shank. Very good! Slow cooked, like stew, so that it just fell right off the bone.

In the evening Carrie did lots of laundry and made a big ol' list of everything she'll need to take to Europe with her. I watched a new episode of Heroes and helped her charge all of her portable batteries and do some iPod stuff.

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posted by Christopher at 7:45 AM

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Saturday, April 21, 2007

Within a Reasonable Distance 

Yesterday (Friday) I called Brandy to wish her a happy birthday while I walked back to BFE to get my car. Always good to talk to her. I got home and collected Carrie, and we went and had lunch at The Rosewood Café.

While we were there of course Melissa & Travis also came in to eat there. Of all the places in T-town, the Rosewood is the one where we most often run into other people we know, because everyone we know likes to eat there!

We swung by Linnea's on the way home so Carrie could pick up an Amsterdam book she'd left there. Linnea also gave us back our air mattress, which we'd let her borrow so Erin could have someplace to sleep when she was in town. I played with Lena on the rope swing out front while Carrie & Linnea visited. Eva seemed to be doing pretty well considering that Thursday was her 1st birthday.

We came home and I worked on work stuff, and Carrie mostly just relaxed. I took her to the store so she could teach her class, and I printed out her handout and stapled it and ever'thing. Then I came home for just a bit before heading out again.

I met my entire family + Jason & Alexis at the Azteca's in Federal Way. Why? For to celebrate my mom's birthday, which is really unusual, because it's within ten days of her actual birthday. For the past few years this time of year has been so busy (EVERYBODY seems to be born during the last half of April and the first half of May) that my mom has postponed her birthday celebration until August. But not this time!

After dinner (at which I had three cheese enchiladas) we went back to my folks' place where presents were opened. Mum got a Kitchenaid food processor thing and a knife sharpener and some books and a DVD, and I got her a gift certificate to The Rock AKA "Rock Pasta."

My brother recently picked up a copy of The Planiverse, a book I read many, many years ago but vividly remember about a 2-dimensional world. Apparently 2-D universe writing is an entire subgenre of Science Fiction. Anyway, I thumbed through the book and, yes, I had remembered it very vividly, down to remembering several lines of dialogue with 100% accuracy.

Here's something very unusual that happened as well: Sitting on the dining room table when I got to my folks' place was the CD/DVD set of Venue Songs by They Might Be Giants. See, last year for my birthday Susan ordered that set for me, but it hadn't arrived when I had my family celebration. It arrived a while later and was promptly mis-placed. People at my folks' house swore they gave it to me when I picked up some boxes of my junk from their garage, and I swore up and down that I had never been given it. Well, apparently it was found still out in their garage only a short while ago. So now I have Venue Songs, almost an entire year late. Better late than never, though! My car's CD player has been throwing tantrums, though, so I didn't get a chance to listen to it while I was driving around.

At 10:00 my brother & I headed down to the Supermall to go see Hot Fuzz. The craziest thing happened: As Mike & I were buying our tickets, out of the theater walks Geoff and one of his friends. They'd just gotten out from watching Hot Fuzz. Geoff said we'd love it. We thought it would be funny if he said we'd hate it while we were buying tickets for it.

Well, Geoff was correct. I've only seen three movies in the theater so far this year, which sucks, but so far all the movie's I've seen have been incredibly excellent:
  1. Pan's Labyrinth
  2. Grindhouse
  3. Hot Fuzz

If the rest of 2007 keeps up this pace (which is impossible), this will be the best year for movies EVAR.

By the time I finally got home it was after 1:00 in the AM.

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posted by Christopher at 2:12 PM

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